Friday, October 26

Dino Nuggets

Zander: It's a wadybug? said with a twinkle in his eye
Me: It's a dinosaur!
Zander: It's a daddy-sore!!

Thursday, October 18

Memorable Moments From Today

Putting Zander on the bus this morning for school. I turned around to wave at him and he was picking his nose.

When the pre-naptime diaper change was taken care of MiKael stood up, looked at Zander and said, "byebye Zannnnnnnn!! byebye!" And ran in the direction of his room.

Zander sharing his snack with MiKael.

Zander has had a thing for trains lately and last week I found a Hard Hat Harry DVD on ebay about Trains and Helicopters. He asked to watch it today after his nap and I said yes. (He's been asking for days and I've said no.) When I said yes he got this goofy happy grin on his face. The funny part was when he realized he was smiling like that...he tried to hide the smile but it didn't work and he started laughing. :)

Hugs and kisses.



Wednesday, October 3

MiKael the Mooch

This face cracks me up! Every.Single.Time.

Perhaps it's funnier in person.

Today at Lunch

I was lazy today and snagged the boys happy meals from McD's. Zander was busy blowing bubbles in his soda (which he rarely has these days). He's eating his french fries but not his burger. Right now they have hot wheels happy meals, so cars are the boys. I unwrapped a car and this is what happened...

Zander: Car!
Me: Yes, the food bag has Hot Wheels on it.
Zander: !!!!!
Me: Look at this...opening car toy... When you eat 5 bites of your burger you can have the car.
Zander: frantically grabs burger and takes a huge bite
Me: yay, he's eating!
Zander: Car, please!
Me: You need to take 3 more bites.
Then you can have the car!
Zander: takes another big bite and gags
Me: I realize that I forgot to ask for 'no pickles'
Zander: Yuck, dats YUCK!
Me: Let me get those yucky pickles off the burger for you.
Zander: promptly takes another big bite

MiKael and Zander got their cars when they were done with lunch. They spent the rest of the time before taking naps trading them back and forth....and eating more burger...and wiping "kaputch" (ketchup) on his shirt.