Wednesday, August 2

July, the month of vacations?

Crazy, crazy crazy!

I think we were home for one week out of the entire month! The dates and days have gotten away from me. I think it was Thursday night we left Colorado with the destination of Las Vegas in mind. We drove all night and got there Friday evening, but not before we hit a deer.

Somewhere in Utah, just before Nevada. I grew up in the middle of KS and I've never hit a deer before, it was crazy! That being said I will elaborate so if you don't want the details, skip the rest of this paragraph. It was obvious that a semi had hit the deer first, but ONLY half of the deer. We hit the other half. I've seen lots of road kill, but nothing like this. The "splatter" mark started in the very center of the highway and went out in a "V" shape, across both lanes of the highway. Left shoulder to right shoulder. There were bits of flesh here and there all over the road. Not to mention the under side of my car. Gross!

We immediatly pulled over to insepct the damage to the vehicle. I was sure it wasn't going to be pretty but you really couldn't find anything out of sorts. Except for the smell. I was glad we took my wheels as opposed to Joshs. I drive an Explorer w/oversized tires. He drives a Blazer that sits more like a car than a truck. I'm not really sure if the difference in the 2 vehicles would have made a difference or not, but I don't want to find out! I'm happy we were able to walk away with no damage!

So, we spent the rest of Friday and part of Saturday in Las Vegas. While we were there we went to a few stores and to a mall. Believe it or not, we never went to a casino! We napped and just sort of hung out as a family. If we ever go to Vegas again we are going without the kids, or at least a babysitter.

Saturday afternoon we loaded up in the car and were on the road again. California ,here we come! The rest of our "vacation" was spent in the San Diego area. The reason I say "vacation" is becaus Josh was working during the day and we'd hang out as a family when he got back to the hotel. The boys and I went for walks and to the hotel pool, we had a blast! We went to the beach a few times when we were all together but I didn't feel comfortable taking the boys to the beach by myself. Call me a wuss, but I wasn't ready for that.

Josh went to Tijuana the following weekend to help out with an orphanage. I really don't know much about it, but it sounds like it was part of a rebuild or something. Aside from it being really hot there he enjoyed the work and wished he could have stayed longer to help out. While Josh was gone I stayed with some friends and went to church with them. It was a good weekend!

From San Diego we drove to Palm Desert so Josh could work on another network and again we stayed with friends. It was a nice time to kick back and unwind! The friends we were staying with have a pool and one time in the pool with Josh and Zander became a little daredevil! It was crazy. Crazy. Let's just say that at first Zander didn't like it when we dunked him and by the end of the trip he was dunking himself!

We left Palm Desert and drove and drove and drove. All the way back to Colorado.

Palm Desert was freaking HOT too. In fact, being in Palm Desert those few days has made this unusually hot summer seem more bearable. Since we've been back we've been outside to go for walks and/or to play. We all love it outside and I'm embarassed to say it but I don't think we would be spending this time outside if we had not been in Palm Desert.

On this trip I've realized a few things....

I kill too much time online, doing nothing.
I like to spend time outside with the boys.
Zander likes to play in the water. Alot.
I really do like flip-flops afterall.
I need (to continue) to get the right perspecitive and a better working schedule at home.
I like to drive.
The boys do great in the car.
I have a tan (after sunscreen, for the most part) for the first time in YEARS.
I love summer.

I know that there are more, but it's time to get offa here and enjoy the day!


Blogger Jamie said...

THERE you are!!! WOW...that's quite some traveling. Glad you had such a wonderful time. Although the deer story almost kept me from reading about it!

August 02, 2006 6:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SOunds like you have a busy but wonderful month!!!!!!!!

August 03, 2006 9:25 AM  
Blogger Jillian said...


I love that you discovered some things as a result of your trip. That's always awesome.

I'm also glad the boys did so well! Children-not-traveling-well can definitely make ANY trip the trip from hell, yes? LOL


August 03, 2006 3:14 PM  
Blogger Gail said...

Thanks for the welcome back guys! All in all it was a great trip, I would do it again in a heartbeat.

In fact, I'm planning a trip to KS to see my mom sometime in the next 6 weeks. That trip is a little different though, Josh can't go. I'm planning my time there BEFORE I go so I have more of a say so in what we do! :) I can't wait!

August 03, 2006 5:23 PM  

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