Thursday, March 23

Uh oh??

Today while I was fixing lunch Zander was playing in the living room. This is a normal thing and it's usually never quiet! I realized this in the middle of assembeling sandwiches. It was quiet. Too quiet. You know what I'm talking about. It's the kind of quiet where you go and look in to check on things and with some sort of warp speed your toddler has unwound rolls of toilet paper that are now decorating your ENTIRE living room. Or pulling every single wipe out of it's bucket. Or happily splashing duplos in the toilet. You get the idea. I had several things flying through my head as to what my little explorer could be up to.

Anyone care to take a guess??

Well, what he was doing I wish I had a picture to show. Unfortunately, the camera was on a shelf BEHIND him!

At first I didn't see Zander in the living room and was getting ready to make my rounds to the bedrooms and bathroom. Then, there he was. Sitting on the couch with about 5 books stacked around him thumbing through the pages and looking at pictures. I'm sure he was jabbering as if reading aloud (which has been a recent thing of his). And that was the mischief.


Blogger Gail said...

Ya know, Zander has always loved to turn pages in books and magazines! And now that I say this it'll probably change, but he has NEVER once ripped a page!! He's always been super careful (and no it's not something we've squaked at him about! LOL)

March 24, 2006 8:00 AM  

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